Friday, May 13, 2011

Optional Project

This posting describes an optional project that I have available for 4th quarter.  Since it is optional, you have the choice to do it or not.

The project is inspired by a t-shirt that I saw recently (while at the Museum of Science and Industry:

The project is to create a word or  phrase using only symbols that are found on the periodic table.  This will be worth up to 15 points.  The project is to be turned in on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of plain paper.  It should be of high quality work; worthy of being hung on a wall.

Due Date: will be Tuesday, May 24th, though they can be turned in anytime you think you are ready.

Extra Credit Opportunities: 
  • 2 points extra credit will be awarded to the word or phrase with the highest molar mass (to be eligible you must show the calculation, and answer).
  • 2 points extra credit will be awarded to the word or phrase using the most symbols (to be eligible you must give a unique element symbol count.)
  • 2 points extra credit will be awarded if your word or phrase is the answer to a science pun or a joke.  The pun or joke should be included on the same sheet of paper that the project is turned in on.

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