Monday, March 21, 2011

Week of March 21, 2011

This is the weekly post for Mr. Kane's Conceptual Chemistry.  Here's what we are up to this week:

Monday:  The topic of the day will be specific heat capacity.  We went through the notes (which will be updated electronically on a daily basis this week).  We discussed why substances like water takes so long to heat up (think about Lake Michigan), and why substances like sand can get really hot really quick.  The homework for the evening is to complete the Heat Capacity Worksheet.  The demonstration for the day, was heating a paper cup.

Tuesday: We will checked in our homework, and went over questions.  I passed out more work with specific heat and thermochemistry, which is due tomorrow.

Wednesday: The topic of the day will be heating and cooling curves.  We also did a demonstration that ties in with heat of vaporization that is called superheated steam.  Homework tonight is to complete the heating/cooling curve worksheet
EXTRA:  I found the following video on YouTube, and thought I would share it:  Chemistry Music Video 6: Heating Curve

Thursday:  Today we got a Review of topics in Unit 11.  Make sure your RSG11 is finished before you walk into class tomorrow, as it will be due along with your review.  Most of class time was spent reviewing.  Answers to the review are in this document.

Friday:  Test on Unit 11.  Have a happy and safe Spring Break everyone.  See you back on Monday April 4.  If you are in class today, you will get an extra credit opportunity for spring break.