Sunday, April 10, 2011

Extra Credit Opportunity (Online Only)

Reposted.  This offer only valid for a limited time.

Here is an opportunity for extra credit.  I am using an online company called DropBox to easily post and share files online.  DropBox initially gives you only so much space for free, and I need more than what they give.  Fortunately, they have a referral program, and for each person that signs up using my link, I will get more space as well as be notified of who has signed up.

In order to get 10 points extra credit, you need to:

  1. Click on the link:
  2. Register as a DropBox user at this link.
  3. Download and install the software.
  4. Run the software and login using the password you set up in step 2. 
When you complete step 4, DropBox will send me an email notifying me of a new user that I have referred and will let me know the name you registered with.  I'll give you extra credit only if you make it to step 4.

Limited Time Only!